Maximizing the Lifespan of Your KitchenAid Appliances

Maximizing the Lifespan of Your KitchenAid Appliances: Care and Repair Advice

KitchenAid appliances are designed to help you unleash your creativity and passion in the kitchen. Whether you are baking, cooking, blending, or brewing, you want your appliances to perform at their best and last for a long time. That’s why it’s important to take good care of them and follow some simple tips to maintain their quality and functionality. Here are some care and repair advice for some of the most popular KitchenAid appliances:

Stand Mixers

The stand mixer is one of the most versatile and iconic KitchenAid appliances. It can help you whip up anything from cakes and cookies to bread and pizza dough. To keep your stand mixer in tip-top shape, you should:

  • Clean it after every use. Wipe the mixer body with a damp cloth and dry it well. Wash the attachments and bowl with warm, soapy water or in the dishwasher if they are dishwasher-safe. Do not immerse the mixer body or cord in water.
  • Store it properly. Keep your stand mixer in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight or heat sources. Avoid storing it near sharp objects or heavy items that could damage it. You can also use a cover to protect it from dust and scratches.
  • Adjust the beater height. Sometimes, the beater may not reach the bottom of the bowl or may hit the sides of the bowl. This can affect the mixing performance and damage the beater or bowl. To fix this, you can adjust the beater height by turning the screw at the hinge pin with a flathead screwdriver.
  • Lubricate the gears. Over time, the grease in the gears may dry out or leak out of the mixer. This can cause noise, overheating, or malfunctioning of the mixer. To prevent this, you should lubricate the gears every few years or whenever you notice any signs of trouble. You can do this yourself by following some online tutorials or contact a professional service provider like us.


The refrigerator is one of the most essential and frequently used appliances in your kitchen. It keeps your food fresh and safe to eat. To extend the lifespan of your refrigerator, you should:

  • Clean it regularly. Remove any spills, crumbs, or stains from the interior and exterior of the refrigerator with a soft cloth and mild detergent. Clean the door seals with warm water and baking soda to prevent mold and bacteria growth. Vacuum the condenser coils at the back or bottom of the refrigerator every few months to remove dust and dirt that can affect its efficiency.
  • Replace the water filter. If your refrigerator has a water dispenser or ice maker, you should replace the water filter every six months or as recommended by the manufacturer. This will ensure that you get clean and fresh water and ice from your refrigerator. You can find compatible water filters for your KitchenAid refrigerator model online or at our store.
  • Check the temperature settings. The ideal temperature for your refrigerator is between 37°F and 40°F, and for your freezer is between 0°F and 5°F. You can adjust the temperature settings according to your preferences and needs using the control panel on your refrigerator. Avoid setting the temperature too high or too low, as this can cause food spoilage or frost buildup.
  • Repair any issues promptly. If you notice any problems with your refrigerator, such as leaking water, noisy operation, inconsistent cooling, or ice buildup, you should not ignore them or try to fix them yourself. These issues may indicate a more serious problem that requires professional attention. Contact us as soon as possible to schedule a service appointment with our certified technicians. We can diagnose and repair any KitchenAid refrigerator model quickly and efficiently.


The dishwasher is another appliance that can save you time and energy in the kitchen. It can clean your dishes, utensils, pots, and pans with ease and convenience. To make sure your dishwasher runs smoothly and effectively, you should:

  • Load it properly. Follow the instructions in your user manual on how to load your dishwasher correctly. Place dishes facing down and inward, separate silverware by type, and avoid overloading or underloading the dishwasher. This will ensure optimal cleaning performance and prevent damage to your dishes or dishwasher.
  • Use quality detergent and rinse aid. Choose a detergent that is compatible with your dishwasher model and water hardness level. Avoid using too much or too little detergent, as this can leave residue or spots on your dishes or dishwasher. Also, use a rinse aid to help dry your dishes faster and prevent water spots. You can find quality detergent and rinse aid products at our store.
  • Clean it regularly. Even though your dishwasher cleans itself during every cycle, you should still clean it once a month to remove any grease, food particles, or mineral deposits that may accumulate over time. You can use a dishwasher cleaner product or a homemade solution of vinegar and baking soda to clean the interior and exterior of your dishwasher. Don’t forget to clean the filter, spray arms, and door seals as well.
  • Repair any issues promptly. If you notice any problems with your dishwasher, such as poor cleaning, water leaks, strange noises, or error codes, you should not ignore them or try to fix them yourself. These issues may indicate a more serious problem that requires professional attention. Contact us as soon as possible to schedule a service appointment with our certified technicians. We can diagnose and repair any KitchenAid dishwasher model quickly and efficiently.

These are some of the care and repair tips that can help you maximize the lifespan of your KitchenAid appliances. By following these tips, you can enjoy your appliances for years to come and unleash your culinary potential. However, if you ever need any assistance with your appliances, whether it’s maintenance, repair, or replacement, you can always count on us. We are your local and trusted KitchenAid appliance service provider in Malibu, CA. We have the experience, skills, and tools to handle any KitchenAid appliance issue with ease and professionalism. We offer same-day service, affordable prices, and 100% satisfaction guarantee. Contact us today to book your service appointment and get a free estimate. We look forward to serving you and making your kitchen a better place. Looking for top-tier Kitchen Aid appliance repair in Santa Barbara? Reach out to our preferred partner, who consistently delivers exceptional care and solutions.